Monday, January 23, 2012

Not Little House on the Prairie

Things are different here in New Zealand. The kids are headed to the start of school on February 3. Ann has been buying uniforms and school supplies, and except for a few odds and ends, they seem ready to go. Zack will be in the sixth year here and Emma either second or third. Kindergarten here is year one. The school is just up the road and across the street, so a short walk for the kids. Within the first month, Zack will go on a week-long camping trip with his sixth year mates. They go somewhere down south of Auckland. All part of the curriculum, as well as water safety and other things. The uniforms remind me of Little House on the Prairie for some reason. The hats must be worn outside at all times! At least they all have to wear this, not real fashion forward in my book.

They both seem to be taking it all in stride.


  1. They looks so cute in those uniforms!

  2. Adorable; love the hats! So, any of the Australian? If not, next year, huh? It is very interesting to keep up with you all. The best to all. We will see you on Beech Mtn come May. Things are the same here; little tennis, little Stein Mart, little movies, etc. got Marian back into Friday (Sr) tennis!
    Love and Prayers,
